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  本文摘要:As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet continues, the U.S. military says its using everything from the naked eye to advanced radar technology more often needed in antisubmarine missions to try to locate the Boeing passenger jet.在各方之后搜索马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)下落不明航班之际,美国军方回应,于是以用于从肉眼观测到反潜艇任务常常用于的先进设备雷达技术等一切手段来找寻这架下落不明波音客机的行踪。

As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet continues, the U.S. military says its using everything from the naked eye to advanced radar technology more often needed in antisubmarine missions to try to locate the Boeing passenger jet.在各方之后搜索马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)下落不明航班之际,美国军方回应,于是以用于从肉眼观测到反潜艇任务常常用于的先进设备雷达技术等一切手段来找寻这架下落不明波音客机的行踪。A spokesman for the U.S. Navys Seventh Fleet--which has ships, helicopters and one surveillance plane taking part in the search--said it was homing in on two areas: a 120-by-120 square-nautical-mile area in the northern part of Malacca Strait and a 100-by-100 square nautical mile area in the Gulf of Thailand.美国海军(U.S. Navy)第七舰队的发言人回应,正在对以下两个海域展开搜索:马六甲海峡北部长120海里、长120海里海域;泰国海湾宽100海里、长100海里海域。The spokesman said the search so far was limited to the surface of the water, which he said had an average depth of 148 feet, and a maximum of 260 feet, in the areas where the U.S. Navy was searching.该发言人称之为,救难工作目前仅限于海面。

他回应,美国海军搜索的海域水面平均值深度为148英尺,仅次于深度为260英尺。The Seventh Fleet has two destroyers participating in searches, the USS Kidd and USS Pinckney, plus an oiler, the USNS John Ericsson, to provide fuel and supplies. It says search areas for the missing jet are being assigned by the Malaysian government.参与第七舰队搜索任务的还包括两艘驱逐舰,分别是USS Kidd和USS Pinckney,此外还包括一艘获取燃油和给养的舰队油船USNS John Ericsson。

第七舰队称之为,失联飞机救难海域是由马来西亚政府登录的。The USS Kidd, which carries two helicopters, is conducting helicopter searches in the southwest section of the Gulf of Thailand search area, while the USS Pinckney is conducting searches in the northeast portion of the search area, according to the Seventh Fleet.根据第七舰队的讲解,USS Kidd上配有两架直升机,目前正在泰国湾西南部救难区继续执行直升机救难任务;USS Pinckney目前正在救难海域东北部继续执行救难任务。

Among the U.S. aircraft taking part in the search, the Navy says its HM-60R helicopter can search 400- to 600-square-miles area during a 3.5-hour sortie. Crews in its P-3C Orion surveillance aircraft cover 1,000 to 1,500 square miles each hour.美国海军称之为,在参与救难任务的美国飞机中,HM-60R直升机可以在3.5个小时继续执行任务期间搜索400至600平方英里的区域。P-3C猎户座(Orion)侦察机每小时可以侦察1,000至1,500平方英里的区域。The Seventh Fleet spokesman said that its P-3 could use what is known as its magnetic anomaly detector to search for debris from the missing jet. The detector, located on the aircrafts distinctive extended tail, is one instrument the navy uses in detecting other countries submarines.第七舰队发言人称之为,P-3侦察机可以利用地磁出现异常探测器搜索失联飞机的残骸。

这个探测器加装在飞机的特地向外拓展的机尾处,这是美国海军用来观测其他国家潜艇的一个仪器。Some parts of the search are more basic. While helicopters are equipped with infrared radiation imaging technology, the Navy spokesman said human spotters played a primary role in the helicopters search.部分救难任务更加基本。虽然直升机使用了红外热光学技术,但美国海军发言人称之为,直升机的救难任务主要是依赖救难人员已完成。

The U.S. is one among several countries that have sent their military to search for airliner, which has been missing since Saturday. More than half of its 227 passengers were Chinese.有几个国家派遣了军队参予了本次失联飞机的搜索工作,美国就是其中之一。马来西亚航空MH370航班上周六失联后目前仍然正处于下落不明状态。机上227名乘客中有一半以上是中国籍。



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